Sack Rig Test from Simon Ashbery on Vimeo.
I completely ran out of steam with my modelling. I've been trudging environment models for a while now and without any variety I feel a bit burnt out with modelling in general. The reason for the manic focus on environment art is because I've always preferred character modelling but felt I hadn't done any environment modelling for a while so I should focus on that.
Well I went to do some character modelling and whilst I got a decent bit of work done it wasn't quite what I was hoping for.
So I've decided to look at some areas of CG which aren't my usual cup of tea. In my third year at uni I had a bit of a trial by fire with rigging and rendering. I enjoyed it but it was very much a bodge job from start to finish. With that in mind my new project is to create a rig for a sack character and refine what I learned into a really usable skill.
I'm sure most people who've animated at some point in their lives know all about the sack, I know everyone on my course does. I want to revisit the fundamentals of animation later down the line, and I think having my very own sack rig would be great.
This is just a test. It's FK only and a pretty simple skeleton, but I just wanted to re-familiarise myself with using the joint tool and the connection editor.